Ski tour to Furggelenstock with meetup
On February 2, I joined meetup ski tour. Planning with the avalanche danger is a matter of having several plans and select the proper one in the day of the trip. So due to avalanche danger 3+, we changed to the easiest option (to my comfort).
Our way up. Yellow-red highlight shows slopes above 30 degrees.
The ridge and downhill part.
Grosser and Kleiner Mythen were our companions for the whole day.
We left Zurich at 7:30 at around 9, we were already on skis for the uphill. After 1.5 hours, we reached our highest peak of the trip - Furggelenstock (1656 masl).
Views from Furggelenstock.
Our international group (2 Polish, Italian, Canadian one Swiss and the remaining one I do not know). And Fish. I should have not asked about professions - mostly informaticians. This is becoming a stereotype. The only lady canceled on Friday.
Furggelenstock from the ridge.
I did not do any downhill skiing in 2018, so going down in the powder on borrowed skis was scary for the first moments.
Such skiing looks natural.
Fortunately, the group had patience with me, my stability progressed, I got used to the powder more, and my fear was suppressed a bit.
Steepest part of the tour.
I fell just once - 50 meters from the end of the slope, practicing carving in the powder - worth it!
We also trained avalanche rescue, so I got some hands-on to the theory I watched on youtube.